
Listen to our meditation guides


For Creativity

A guided meditation for sparking creativity .

Allow 20 minutes


For Anxiety and Stress

A meditation to reduce anxiety and stress.

Allow 15 minutes


For Sleep

A guided sleep meditation for restless nights.

Therapy recommendations: Lavender, massage your feet and warm chamomile tea.

Meditation is best practised at a regular time of day in a regular place, ideally in the morning or the evening after sunset. It is not always easy to find a space for yourself in a busy and fast paced world. You can start with a few minutes a day and gradually , slowly increase the time to suit your lifestyle. There are many benefits to working with the breath and you can find a lot of scientific evidence to support this. Regular, rhythmic breathing can help the rhythm of the brain and help to break negative cycles. It can help to re establish natural and relaxed rhythms of the mind and body. Meditation has been scientifically proven to boost the immune system, relieve depression, increase productivity, and promote creative thinking. It is an opportunity to observe and witness your thoughts and feelings without being too attached to them or analysing them.. To simply be aware of them.


8am - Sets the day -10 minute meditation | 7pm - Closes the day- 10 minute meditation
If you would like to join in with other people meditating at the same time, we can create an online group. So please get in touch and we can agree a morning and an evening session. Or you might prefer to meditate by yourself. Be patient with yourself. Progress in meditation can’t be rushed, it is at a slow and steady pace to suit you and your lifestyle.